You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Current Volunteer Application Page 2 Complete Today's Date Start Date Contact Information First Name Middle Initial Last Name Address Apt # City State Zip code Phone Mobile Phone Mobile Phone Carrier Birth Date Email Address Volunteer Information Volunteer Areas of Interest Office Driver Cart Coordinator Packer/Runner Events Social Media Marketing Kitchen (packaging meals) MOW Board of Directors Would you be interested in serving on MOW volunteer board of directors Yes No Professional Background and Interests Preferred Volunteer Day(s) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Companion Information Companion Name FOR DRIVERS ONLY: If a spouse of friend joins you in delivering meals on a regular basis, please list their name, relationship and phone number so we know who they are. PLEASE REMEMBER THEY CANNOT GO ON A ROUTE WITHOUT YOU. If another persion wants to be your "SUBSITUTE", they need to complete a separate application and background check as well. Companion Relationship Companion Phone Emergency Contact Information Emergency Contact Name Emergency Contact Relationship Emergency Contact Phone Colorado requires that all drivers have auto insurance and valid driver's license to operate a vehicle. By signing below, I agree that I do and will contine to comply with the Colorado State Law that requires all drivers to have a valid Driver's License, as long as I am driving for Meals on Wheels for Fort Collins. In addition, I agree to only drive vehicles that are covered by the minimum automobile insurance, required by Colorado State Law while driving for Meals on Wheels for Fort Collins Colorado, Inc. I have read, understand, and received a copy of the Volunteer Expectations. I agree to provide all required information and comply with all Meals on Wheels for Fort Collins guidelines. By signing below, I am confirming that all the information I have provided is true and complete. Signature Reset Date How did you learn about our program? MOW America advertisement Through your service organization MOWFC volunteer UC Health Social Media/Radio Other… Enter other… (security question) What color is the sky? CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Next > Leave this field blank